Sub Initialize ' this agent populates the RP form during the wqo event. ' agent populates lookupfields and also checks/finds username entered by web user Dim s As New NotesSession Dim doc As NotesDocument ' current RP form doc Dim db As NotesDatabase ' this db Dim booksLst As Variant ' list of directories to search for user Dim bV As NotesView ' ($Users) lookup view in b (b is directory in booksLst) Dim bDoc As NotesDocument ' user doc in nDb Dim acctidnm As String ' account id/name entered by user Dim debugmode As String ' developer debug breadcrumbs ' setup environment debugmode="0" Set doc = s.DocumentContext Set db = s.CurrentDatabase acctidnm = Trim(doc.RP_Name(0)) ' test acctidnm If (acctidnm="") Then ' no user entered, cancel Print "Oops-No user account id/name entered. Please check what you entered and try again." Exit Sub End If If (debugmode="1") Then Print "(Initialize - debug) Starting ...
" End If ' get list of directories booksLst = s.AddressBooks ' loop through directories and find user (stop at first match) Forall b In booksLst ' test book for directory (we only want directories and secondary directories, not dircats) If ( b.IsPublicAddressBook ) Then ' open Call b.Open( "", "" ) If Not (b.IsOpen) Then ' log if in debug mode If (debugmode="1") Then Print "Unabled to open directory: " & b.Title & ". Skipped database.
" End If Else ' book is open, get lookup view Set bV = b.GetView("($Users)") Set bDoc = bV.GetDocumentByKey(acctidnm, True) If Not (bDoc Is Nothing) Then If (debugmode="1") Then Print "(Initialize - debug) Found User ...
" End If ' found the user, need to update password Goto FoundUser End If End If ' b.IsOpen test End If ' b.IsPublicAddressBook test End Forall ' if to this point, user account was not found. Print |


| Print |Unable to find your user account.

| Print |Please go back and check the account id/name you entered.
| Print |If you get this message again, contact the Lotus Administrator / Help Desk.
| Exit Sub FoundUser: ' process user (update with random password and e-mail that password to user) If (ProcessUser(s, db, bDoc, debugmode) <>1) Then ' return failure msg Print |


| Print |Your user account was found but could not be updated
| Print |due to an issue sending you your password or saving your new password to your user account.
| Print |Your password has not been changed.

| Print |Close window.
| Print |Contact the Lotus Administrator / Help Desk for assistance.
| Else ' return success msg Print |


| Print |Your new password has been set.
| Print |The password has been sent to you in an e-mail. Please check your e-mail account.
| Print |Note: It will take some moments for your new password to propagate across all Lotus Domino servers.

| Print |Close window.
| End If Exit Sub End Sub Function ProcessUser(s As NotesSession, db As NotesDatabase, doc As NotesDocument, debugmode As String) As Integer ' function updates password to random password and e-mails password to user ' s - current session ' db - current database, needed to create memo ' doc - current user doc ' debugmode - developer bread crumbs ' password/user doc dims Dim newpwd As String ' password Dim pwdhash As Variant ' @Password of newpwd, needed to pre-hash for replacement in user doc ' memo dims Dim mName As NotesName ' used for salutation Dim mnm As String ' user's name, used with msal Dim msub As String ' msg subject Dim msal As String ' msg salutation Dim mbody As String ' msg body text Dim msig As String ' msg signature ' build new password newpwd = Cstr( Int(9 * Rnd) + 1) newpwd = newpwd & Cstr( Int(9 * Rnd) + 1) newpwd = newpwd & Chr$( Int(9 * Rnd) + 112) newpwd = newpwd & Chr$( Int(9 * Rnd) + 65) newpwd = newpwd & Chr$( Int(9 * Rnd) + 65) newpwd = newpwd & Cstr( Int(9 * Rnd) + 1) newpwd = newpwd & Chr$( Int(9 * Rnd) + 112) newpwd = newpwd & Cstr( Int(9 * Rnd) + 1) newpwd = newpwd & Chr$( Int(9 * Rnd) + 112) newpwd = newpwd & Cstr( Int(9 * Rnd) + 1) newpwd = newpwd & Chr$( Int(9 * Rnd) + 65) If (debugmode="1") Then Print "(ProcessUser - debug) Password: " & newpwd & ".
" End If ' email password first (just in case e-mail error) before replacing password Set mName = New NotesName(doc.FullName(0)) If Not (mName Is Nothing) Then mnm = mName.Common msal = "Hi " & mnm & ":" Else mnm = doc.FullName(0) msal = "Hi:" End If msub = "Lotus Password Change Request" mbody = "Your Lotus Internet password has just been reset. The new password is " & newpwd & ". " mbody = mbody & "If you did not submit the request or have questions contact your Lotus Help Desk/Administrator." msig = "Thank you. (System Agent)" If (DoMemo(db, msub, mnm, mnm, msal, mbody, msig, debugmode) <>1 ) Then ' failure, cancel ProcessUser=0 Exit Function End If ' replace password Call doc.ReplaceItemValue("HTTPPassword", newpwd) ' gives evaluate someplace to hash the password pwdhash = Evaluate("@Password(HTTPPassword)", doc) Call doc.ReplaceItemValue("HTTPPassword", pwdhash) ' replaces with hashed password If (doc.Save(True, False)) Then ' good save ProcessUser=1 Else ' bad save ProcessUser=0 End If If (debugmode="1") Then Print "(ProcessUser - debug) Password updated.
" End If Exit Function End Function Function DoMemo(db As NotesDatabase, subjectstr As String, sendtonm As String, fromnm As String,_ salutationstr As String, bodymsg As String, signaturestr As String, debugmode As String) As Integer ' e-mails password to user ' db - this db, needed to create memo doc ' subjectstr - subject of memo ' sendtonm - recipient of memo (SendTo) ' fromnm - from & replyto of memo ' salutationstr - lead-in salutation of memo ' bodymsg - body message text ' signaturestr - wrap-up signature line of memo ' debugmode - developer breadcrumbs Dim mDoc As NotesDocument ' new memo Dim tmpItem As NotesItem ' reusable item for placing item values in mDoc Dim mBody As NotesRichTextItem ' memo Body field Dim tmpstring As String ' temporary reusable String On Error Goto FunctionErrorHandler On Error 4294 Goto UserNotFoundHandler ' set up memo Set mDoc = db.CreateDocument() Set mBody = New NotesRichTextItem(mDoc, "Body") mDoc.Form = "Memo" mDoc.SaveMessageOnSend = False mDoc.Subject = subjectstr mDoc.From = fromnm mDoc.ReplyTo = fromnm mDoc.Principal = fromnm If (debugmode="1") Then ' set to developer mDoc.SendTo= "Tripp Black" Else ' set to actual recipient mDoc.SendTo= sendtonm End If Call mBody.AppendText(salutationstr) Call mBody.AddNewline(2) Call mBody.AppendText(bodymsg) Call mBody.AddNewline(2) Call mBody.AppendText(signaturestr) Call mBody.AddNewline(1) ' send memo Call mDoc.Send(False) ' return success DoMemo=1 Exit Function FunctionErrorHandler: Print "(DoMemo Function) Error" & Str(Err) & ": " & Error$ & " at line # " & Cstr(Erl) DoMemo=0 Exit Function UserNotFoundHandler: If (debugmode="1") Then Print "(DoMemo - debug) An email name was not found in the Domino Directory(s). Skipping..." End If Resume Next End Function